Special Education Application - Out-of-State Tuition for Minnesota Residents
Original Program Date :
Length: 9 Minutes
Minnesota Statutes establish the requirements for a local educational agency (LEA) to receive funds for special education out-of-state student placements. This overview highlights which students are eligible and how MARSS enrollment data is used. You will learn when to record expenditures in the Special Education Data Reporting Application (SEDRA) and how to submit an application.
Jill Bemis, Education Finance Specialist, has been with the Department of Education since 2011. Her primary focus is providing technical assistance and reviewing expenditures for inclusion in the state special education aid formula. She reviews Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) budgets, Access to Career and Technical Education - Special Education (ACTE-SPED) transactions, vehicle and construction requests, and special student placement applications.