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Megan Dayton

Senior Demographer

Minnesota's State Demographic Center

Megan Dayton is a Senior Demographer at Minnesota's State Demographic Center. Since 2012, she has been responsible for preparing demographic projections for the State of Minnesota, 13 Economic Development Regions and 87 counties. Serving in this role, Megan is Minnesota's state representative to the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Projections (FSCPP) with the U.S. Census Bureau. Megan's work involves the creation of school district estimates upon request for intercensal levy cycle funding and providing data analysis for state agencies, councils and legislators. Megan's research interests include improving upon existing data modeling techniques used for state and sub-state areas, as well as social stratification and more general demographic trends related to fertility, mortality and migration patterns. Megan has hands-on knowledge of social and economic realities brought about by recent demographic shifts. Her work engages an attentive approach to relating current demographic trends with the resulting likelihoods. Megan holds a master's degree in applied demography from the Center for Demography and Population Health at the Florida State University.