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MASBO 2022 Fall Conference Encore

Total Credits: 10 Board of School Administrators Credit(s), 10 MASBO Credit(s)

Jill Bemis |  Paul Ferrin |  Joseph J Langel |  Jim Martin |  Debra A Meier |  Gayra Ostgaard |  Andre Prahl |  Katie Reger |  Bonnie Schwieger, CPA |  Lori S Volz
8 Live Breakout Sessions & 12 Encore Sessions (Duration TBD)
Never Expires.



The Encore conference option features 12 on-demand sessions to view starting on November 11:

Recorded Conference Sessions

  • COVID Relief Funds Updates
    Andre Prahl, Agency Finance Director, MDE
    This session will cover timely topics related to COVID relief funding and programming.
  • Special Ed Update
    Paul Ferrin, Supervisor of Special Education Funding & Data, MDE
    The presentation will review general special education updates, with a focus on tuition billing.
  • UFARS Hot Topics
    Deb Meier, Education Finance Specialist II, MDE; Molly Koppes, Education Finance Specialist II; MDE
    This session will include FY22 and FY23 UFARS updates, which will include federal COVID funds, GASB Statement No.87 and 96.
  • Internal Controls over Student Activity Accounts
    Bonnie Schwieger, Senior Audit Manager, Abdo
    Discuss the importance of and provide best practice examples for internal controls over student activity accounts. 
  • Independent Contractor vs. Employee
    Jim Martin, Owner/Attorney, Martin Law Firm PLLC
    When someone you hire is an employee or an independent contractor? This presentation will review the differences between an employee and an independent contractor.
  • Financial Performance, Staffing Analysis and Strategic Financial Management
    Lori Volz, Director, Baker Tilly; Ryan Fetters, Director; Baker Tilly
    As districts are experiencing the drop in revenue from Federal CARES/ESSER funding expiring, the need for financial analysis of district budgets is more important than ever. We will discuss steps to analyze your financials, enrollment and staffing ratios as well as evaluate operational system efficiencies and maximizing revenue streams. These strategies will be aligned with a budget planning calendar and timeline. 

On-Demand Sessions

  • MDE School Finance Ed-Fi Update
    Gayra Ostgaard, Data Management and Student Accounting Supervisor, MDE; Marilynn Loehr, State MARSS Coordinator; MDE
    This presentation will update MASBO members on the progress of transitioning MARSS data submissions to Ed-Fi. It will also inform members on what the certification process is for districts and charters to submit MARSS data via Ed-Fi only as well as inform them on how MDE is working to ensure the validity of their MARSS data. 
  • Bright Futures: Solar for Minnesota Schools
    Peter Lindstrom, Manager, Public Affairs and Community Engagement, Clean Energy Resource Teams; Amanda Schienebeck, Solar for Schools Program Manager; Minnesota Department of Commerce
    Over 160 schools are tapping into solar enabling financial savings, lowering the carbon footprint, and infusing clean energy into the curriculum to teach about energy technologies, jobs, and policy. This presentation covers a new state grant that is enabling dozens of more districts to bring solar online, as well as solar best practices, lessons learned, and tips for business officials. 
  • Running a Better Meeting
    Daniel Ludvigson, Long Prairie-Grey Eagle
    A humerous take for administrators on running staff meetings. Different strategies to collect information more effectively, invite participation, and make better decisions. 
  • Leveraging HRAs to Reduce Retiree Medical Costs
    Katie Reger, Director, HRA Acccount Management, OneBridge Benefits
    Retiree medical costs are exponentially increasing each year. Learn about different ways to leverage an HRA or VEBA to forecast and manage retiree medical costs. 
  • Case Law Update
    Joe Langel, Partner, Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney
    Description Coming Soon!
  • Website Navigation
    Jill Bemis, Education Finance Specialist 2, MDE; Dave Lobejko, Special Education Data Funding; MDE
    This presentation will navigate a business manager through the MDE website on how to find reports that a district can use to determine special ed aid and tuition billing calculations each year. 


Jill Bemis's Profile

Jill Bemis Related Seminars and Products

Minnesota Department of Education

Jill Bemis, Education Finance Specialist, has been with the Department of Education since 2011. Her primary focus is providing technical assistance and reviewing expenditures for inclusion in the state special education aid formula. She reviews Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) budgets, Access to Career and Technical Education - Special Education (ACTE-SPED) transactions, vehicle and construction requests, and special student placement applications.

Paul Ferrin Related Seminars and Products

Supervisor of Special Education Funding and Data

Minnesota Department of Education

Paul Ferrin is currently the supervisor of the special education funding and data workgroup at the Minnesota Department of Education. He has worked at the department for 5 years in various roles including monitoring special education expenditures and providing data analytics to the special education funding workgroup.

Joseph J Langel's Profile

Joseph J Langel Related Seminars and Products


Ratwik Roszak & Maloney PA

Joseph Langel is a shareholder of Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. and primarily represents school districts, cities and counties. Mr. Langel provides general counsel in virtually all areas of municipal law, with extensive experience in public contracting and bid laws, construction, leasing and condemnation. He has also defended school districts in a variety of litigation cases in state and federal court, including contract disputes, construction defects, personal injury, defamation, civil rights and discrimination.  Mr. Langel graduated magna cum laude from Loras College in 1987, and received his M.A. degree from the University of Chicago in 1988. He received his J.D. degree, cum laude, from the University of Minnesota Law School in 1994.

Jim Martin's Profile

Jim Martin Related Seminars and Products


Martin Law Firm

Jim represents public and private sector employers in a broad scope of employment and labor law issues. With legal experience and experience as a human resources professional, Jim brings a practical approach to help clients achieve their objectives. Areas of practice include employment contracts, severance agreements, employee handbooks and policies, wage/hour law, discrimination, employee discipline, non-compete agreements, Minnesota Data Practices Act, Minnesota Veterans’ Preference Act, collective bargaining, unfair labor practice defense, administration and interpretation of collective bargaining agreements, grievance arbitration and investigations of employee misconduct.

Debra A Meier Related Seminars and Products

Education Consultant III

Minnesota Department of Education

Deb graduated magna cum laude from Augsburg University with a B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting and finance. She was an auditor for 4 1/2 years for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and has 16 years of experience as a Supervisor of Accounting for two different school districts. Deb has worked at MDE since December 2014 in the Division of School Finance.

Gayra Ostgaard Related Seminars and Products

Minnesota Department of Education

Gayra Ostgaard is the Data Management and Student Accounting Supervisor at the Minnesota Department of Education. She has been at MDE for seven years and prior to joining School Finance worked as the Data Governance Coordinator for MDE. Her team of nine people is responsible for many of the data the systems districts and charters report funding related data to MDE including but not limited to MARSS, transportation, and PSEO data.

Andre Prahl Related Seminars and Products

Agency Finance Director

Minnesota Department of Education

André Prahl is the Agency Finance Director at the Minnesota Department of Education. The division is responsible for budget development, federal programs, reporting, procurement, accounts payable, accounts receivable, grant services, payroll, and is currently managing the over $3 billion in Federal COVID funding. Ms. Prahl has 13 years of experience in financial management at the state level. Prior, she held various positions at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, including 10 years as the administrator of the Accounting Department.

Katie Reger Related Seminars and Products

Account Executive


Katie is the Director of Funded HRA Account Management with OneBridge Benefits. Katie graduated from University of Wisconsin – River Falls with a B.S. in Business Administration, Management. She has spent the last 16 years of her career managing the Spending Account programs for the majority of the Schools, Counties and Cities across the state of Minnesota. She spent 14 years at Further, now HealthEquity, before moving to OneBridge Benefits. She currently oversees the Funded HRA/VEBA and FSA programs with OneBridge, working with brokers, districts and participants across the state and the country to ensure plans are in compliance and receiving the best service levels in the industry.

Bonnie Schwieger, CPA Related Seminars and Products

Audit Manager

Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP

Bonnie Schwieger, CPA is an Audit Manager with Abdo, Eick & Meyers. Ms. Schwieger joined the Firm in 2012 after graduating from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her work includes assisting in the audits of several municipal, school district and Single Audits.