MDE school finance is presenting a webinar updating information related to Compensatory Revenue. The goal of the presentation is to share updates on revenue changes from FY23 to FY25, share information about the LEA Compensatory Revenue Reports that posted on January 17, 2025, and an introduction to the Governor’s proposed hold harmless for FY26 and working group. There will also be time when questions will be answered that were previously submitted to MDE. This webinar will also be recorded to be viewed on-demand.
With all of the questions around draw deadlines and the new Maintenance of Equity requirements, a webinar will be held at 10:30am on December 8 to provide some clarification and answer your questions.
In this session, presenters from MDE will provide guidance and information regarding reporting for summer/extended time programs:
Deb Meier will review UFARS Reporting; Marilynn Loehr will discuss MARSS student reporting for state-approved alternative programs (SAAPs); and Mary Barrie will cover other summer program student reporting (non-SAAP).
The federal government has enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which is effective April 2, 2020. This bill includes: (1) Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act, and (2) Emergency Paid Sick Leave. This session includes a brief overview of the two components of this legislation, and will then will answer top questions submitted by MASBO members.