As funding constraints challenge public education, school and district leaders must find creative ways to navigate budget cuts without compromising the quality of education or equity for students. This session offers targeted strategies to manage budget reductions, preserve critical programs, and support staff and student needs effectively.
An entry level look at what business managers should be doing when it comes to legislation, legislative issues, important dates/times during the year to be aware of, and a review of other timely information.
Tis the season for negotiations! Join this webinar to hear the basics about MSBA’s recommendations for costing a negotiations settlement. Then we will review some strategies on various negotiations topics --- some common to prior years and some new to this negotiations cycle.
The number of cyber attacks on schools is increasing. This session will cover what to do if you come under attack, and what preventative measures you can take now.
This session will cover the basics of MARSS reporting, the relationship between the MARSS coordinator and the finance director, and some helpful tips on how to navigate the MARSS world. Sunday Kloncz and Kris Crocker from St. Michael-Albertville Schools will help you to explore your MARSS world and provide some helpful information to help you navigate MARSS and how they work together to meet the challenges of MARRS reporting.
This webinar will provide the process and benefits of creating and maintaining a cash flow spreadsheet. Participants will learn the basics with regards to knowing their school district’s cash flows, understanding liquidity needs, and analyzing cash flows for a future borrowing need or investment opportunity. Presented by Danny Nelson, Director, PFM Asset Management.
When new school board members are elected, it is an opportunity to build relationships that will be beneficial to all. Steve Anderson, Business Manager at Proctor Schools, will share his experiences and suggestions on how to create these important connections.