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2025 MASBO Winter Conference

Total Credits: 10 MASBO Credit(s), 10 BOSA Credit

Schedule at a glance


The Winter Conference is virtual and includes two days of live sessions plus a collection of recorded webinars. In addition, all live sessions will also be recorded to be viewed on-demand following the conference.  Please note: the schedule may be tentative to change.


Agenda at a Glance

Monday, February 3
Recorded Content Available
Thursday, February 6
8:30-9:20am Opening Announcements and Keynote
9:30-10:40am Breakout Sessions
10:50-11:40am Breakout Sessions
12:30-1:20pm Breakout Sessions
1:30-2:20pm Breakout Sessions
2:30-3:20pm Breakout Sessions
Friday, February 7
8:30-9:20am Breakout Sessions
9:30-10:20am Breakout Sessions
10:30-11:00am Mindfulness & Movement Session
11:10am-12:00pm Breakout Sessions
12:15-12:35pm Legislative Update
12:40-1:30pm Breakout Sessions
1:40-2:30pm Peer Groups

Keynote – Superheroes Have Bad Days Too

Gregory J. Fine, FASAE, CAE
Tecker International

Gregory J FineWhen the “Imposter Syndrome” and “Superhero Complex” collide, it can feel like you’re losing everything. It doesn’t have to be that way! Reflections and insight from one leader’s journey through the darkness and how he found light. Civil discourse, economic disruption, uncertainty, loss and a sense of helplessness are pervasive and can be overwhelming. Leaders today aren’t just burned out, they are often depleted. Drawing upon his journey from CEO to Digital Nomad, Greg’s purpose is to show others that they are not alone and explore how to live a deliberate and realistic purposeful life. Engaging and personal, this program is designed to create a space for deep personal reflection and provide optimism, hope and actionable tips to affect change.


Thank You, Keynote Sponsor!

Horace Mann

Thank You, Technology and Engagement Sponsor!



Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by the MASBO office at least 48 hours prior to the event are eligible for a refund of the registration fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received fewer than 48 hours prior to the event.

Audio/Video Policy: Registration and attendance at, or participation at association events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to association’s use and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities.

Code of Conduct: MASBO is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for all participants, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, or religion. MASBO will not tolerate harassment of event attendees in any form. Those violating these rules may be sanctioned, expelled from the event without a refund, and/or excluded from attending future events, at the discretion of the organization.



Tina Burkholder's Profile

Tina Burkholder Related Seminars and Products

Director of Business Services

ISD 882 Monticello

Valerie Dosland's Profile

Valerie Dosland Related Seminars and Products

MASBO Lobbyist

Ewald Consulting

Valerie Dosland is the Director of Government Affairs at Ewald Consulting, where she provides government relations and lobbying services to clients in the areas of early childhood and K-12 education. Valerie assists her clients in policy development, lobbying and monitoring of legislative activities as well as grassroots development and engagement. Prior to joining Ewald Consulting in 2005, she worked for nine years at the Minnesota House of Representatives as a research consultant specializing in the areas of early childhood and K-12 education. Valerie is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a B.A., is an alumni of the U of M’s Humphrey Policy Fellows program, and serves on the board of the YMCA Youth in Government Program.

Cathy Erickson Related Seminars and Products

Director of School Finance

Minnesota Department of Education

As the Director of School Finance for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Cathy oversees teams responsible for general education and categorical funding, levy process and certification, financial audits, aid payments, budget forecasting, and more. Her work also includes managing data related to students, transportation, and MDE-ORG sites, as well as overseeing special education funding and facilities maintenance. She frequently speaks at Minnesota Association of School Business Officials (MASBO) conferences and co-presents at the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) Phase II Finance training. Before joining MDE in July 2022, Cathy spent 23 years in school finance, serving in leadership roles at Duluth Public Schools, Arrowhead Regional Computing Consortium (ARCC), and Lake Superior School District. She also taught school finance as an adjunct instructor at St. Mary’s University. Cathy holds a bachelor's degree in management from the College of St. Scholastica.

Paul Ferrin Related Seminars and Products

Supervisor of Special Education Funding and Data

Minnesota Department of Education

Paul Ferrin is currently the supervisor of the special education funding and data workgroup at the Minnesota Department of Education. He has worked at the department for 5 years in various roles including monitoring special education expenditures and providing data analytics to the special education funding workgroup.

Tiffany Gustin's Profile

Tiffany Gustin Related Seminars and Products

Associate of Management and Insurance Trust Services

MN School Boards Association

Tiffany Gustin serves as the Director of Management and Insurance Trust Services for the MN School Boards Association.  Before working for MSBA, she served as a school district Business Manager for ten years. Prior to working in school finance, she was a software engineer and database analyst in the private sector and worked in county government.

In her spare time, she is a volunteer first responder, church pianist, and is the Chief Operations Officer of a crazy household made up of her husband, two adult children and way too many animals.  She loves coffee, bacon, campfires, and spending time with her family, especially the dogs.

Michael Hart's Profile

Michael Hart Related Seminars and Products

PMA Financial Network,LLC

Michael Hart is a Managing Director of Public Finance in Minnesota for PMA Securities. He has over a decade of experience in public finance including leading school districts through the financial aspects of bond issues and referendums for both capital projects and operating funds. Mr. Hart holds Series 7, 50, 53, 54 and 63 FINRA licenses.

Darcy Hitesman, JD Related Seminars and Products


HitesmanLaw, P.A.

Benefits attorney over 30 years including working with Minnesota public sector employers. Technical Advisory Group of Employers Council on Flexible Compensation (“ECFC”). Speaker and writer for EBIA (now part of Thomson Reuters) for over 25 years.

Deb Holthaus Related Seminars and Products

Senior Executive Advisor

Benefits Innovations

Molly Koppes Related Seminars and Products

Education Finance Specialist II

Minnesota Department of Education

Before joining the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Molly worked in both school operations and charter school authorizing, providing oversight to schools that were both operational and start up. She holds a BS degree from Augsburg University in mathematics.

Mark Kraemer Related Seminars and Products

Senior Vice President, School Focus Group Consultant

USI Insurance Services


Mark specializes in workers’ compensation insurance and program management. Mark is one of Minnesota’s 23 Certified Work Comp Advisors and named to the first agency advisory council for one of the largest self-insured funds in Minnesota. One of 33 Certified School Risk Managers in Minnesota, Mark is a long-time speaker and educator on the topic of workers’ compensation. He focuses on working with school districts within USI’s School Focus Group. Mark works with districts, doctors, and insurers to help employees get the best possible care, control and minimize the impact of claims, thus driving down the experience mod and reduce costs.

Wayne Kuklinski Related Seminars and Products

ESEA Monitoring and Compliance Specialist

Minnesota Department of Education

Wayne has four decades of experience with federal education programs in Minnesota, both as a local program administrator and at the Minnesota Department of Education.

Peter Martin's Profile

Peter Martin Related Seminars and Products


Kennedy & Graven, Chartered

Peter Martin has spent the past 30 years providing advice to school districts regarding business contracts, employment disputes, special education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) complaint investigations, student discipline, and other general school law matters. Mr. Martin has also been active in the Minnesota legislature as a lobbyist and has been involved in developing many school-related legislative initiatives over the past decade. He is a member of the State Bars of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the National Association of Bond Lawyers, and the National School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys.

Debra A Meier Related Seminars and Products

Education Consultant III

Minnesota Department of Education

Deb graduated magna cum laude from Augsburg University with a B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting and finance. She was an auditor for 4 1/2 years for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and has 16 years of experience as a Supervisor of Accounting for two different school districts. Deb has worked at MDE since December 2014 in the Division of School Finance.

Baillie M Nash's Profile

Baillie M Nash Related Seminars and Products

Assistant Director of Finance

Edina Public Schools - ISD 273

Baillie Nash is the Controller for Burnsville, Savage, Eagan School District ISD 191, where she plays a pivotal role in managing the district's financial operations. In this capacity, Baillie oversees key areas such as budgeting, bank reconciliation, auditing, and financial reporting. With a focus on accuracy and compliance, Baillie ensures the district’s financial processes run smoothly and meet the highest standards.

Baillie has a strong foundation in school finance and has been an active member of the Minnesota Association of School Business Officials (MASBO). She currently serves as the Vice Chair of the MASBO Professional Development Committee. Baillie has also completed MASBO’s Leadership Academy and the Next Level Leadership program, further enhancing her leadership capabilities and expertise in school finance.

Baillie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business Management and earned her School Finance Officer (SFO) Certification this year, demonstrating her commitment to professional growth and expertise in the field of school finance.

Outside of work, Baillie enjoys spending time on her family’s crop production farm, helping with the day-to-day operations. She is also a fan of bingo and board games, enjoying some friendly competition and leisure time with family and friends.

Jen Phillips's Profile

Jen Phillips Related Seminars and Products

Mindfulness Mentor and Educator

Steve R Pumper's Profile

Steve R Pumper Related Seminars and Products

Vice President

PMA Financial Network,LLC

Steve Pumper joined PMA Financial Network in July of 2009.  Prior to joining PMA, Steve worked as a school business manager in Minnesota schools for 22 years. He brings that experience in helping PMA develop services that are beneficial to the Business Manager in the field.  Steve is a Registered Representative with FINRA and holds his series 7, 50 and 63 securities licenses.

Bridgette Ramaley Related Seminars and Products

Special Education Fiscal Monitoring Supervisor

Minnesota Department of Education

Bridgette has been with MDE for 13 years. Although that entire timeframe has been with special education fiscal monitoring, she has also worked with one-time funding sources such as Ed Jobs, CARES, CRSSA, and ARP/ESSER.

Dr. Stacie Stanley Related Seminars and Products


Edina Public Schools

Alicia Waeffler Related Seminars and Products

Student Access and Opportunity Supervisor

Minnesota Department of Education

Alicia Waeffler is a former middle school teacher, high school counselor, district program administrator, and educational consultant now focused on leveraging Federal ESEA grants to eliminate the persistent educational access, participation, representation, and outcome gaps in Minnesota. She is currently a supervisor in the Student Access and Opportunity division at the Minnesota Department of Education.



Thursday, February 6

Live Virtual Sessions (all sessions recorded for on-demand viewing, except where indicated *)


Opening Announcements & Keynote – Superheroes Have Bad Days Too — Gregory J. Fine, FASAE, CAE, Tecker International

9:20-9:30am Break


Breakout Sessions 

UFARS Hot Topics — Deb Meier, MDE; Molly Koppes, MDE


Retirees and Employee Benefits: What Are The Legal Options and Obligations — Deb Holthaus, Benefit Innovations; Darcy Hitesman, JD, Hitesman Law, PA.





Breakout Sessions

Bouncing Back: A Roadmap for Referendum Recovery — Steve Pumper, PMA Financial; Michael Hart, PMA Securities


ESEA Title Programs in the Minnesota Education Grants System — Alicia Waeffler, MDE





Breakout Sessions

Labor Negotiations 101 — Tiffany Gustin, MSBA


The Road Back — Dr. Theresa Battle, ISD #191 - Burnsville, Eagan, Savage Schools




Breakout Sessions

Special Ed Finance Updates — Paul Ferrin, MDE

Maximizing School District Efficiency: The Value of a Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant in Injury Management— Mark Kraemer, USI Insurance Services; Rob Otos, Omni Case Management; Michael McKenna, Omni Case Management




Breakout Sessions

Coffee Talk with Cathy — Cathy Erickson, MDE

Finance and Equity is not an Oxymoron — Dr. Stacie Stanley, Edina Public Schools

Friday, February 7

Live Virtual Sessions (all sessions recorded for on-demand viewing, except where indicated *)


Breakout Sessions

AI Uses for School Business Officials — William Grube, Gruvy Education


Required Time and Effort Documentation for Federal Programs — Wayne Kuklinski, MDE; Bridgette Ramaley, MDE






Breakout Sessions

GASB 101 — Janel Bitzen, BerganKDV


An Overview of Minnesota's PFMLA Law: What to Expect in 2026Penny Phillips, Felhaber Larson





Stop Drop and Reset— Jen Phillips, Mindfulness Teacher





Breakout Sessions

Case Law Update — Peter Martin, Kennedy & Graven


“What If” Review and Tips and Tricks — Cathy Erickson, MDE

12:00-12:15pm Break

Lunch & Legislative Update — Valerie Dosland, MASBO Lobbyist; Tina Burkholder, Monticello Schools

12:35-12:40pm Break
12:40-1:30 pm

Understanding the Legislative Process and the Value of Advocacy — Valerie Dosland, MASBO Lobbyist


Resiliency Through Connection: Understanding Communication & Effective Praise — Baillie Nash, Edina Public Schools ISD 273


PSEO Financial Arrangements-Maximizing ADM Funding — Jeanne Krile, MDE; Gayra Ostgaard, MDE

1:30-1:40 pm Break

1:40-2:30 pm

Peer Groups*


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On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand Sessions 

Budgeting & Forecasting Teacher SalariesMert Woodard, Edina Public Schools
Interested in learning how to set up a quick and easy tool that will allow you to quickly budget and forecast your largest operational expenditure, teacher salaries? This session will help you transform staff information into a basic model that will provide you with tremendously valuable data that can later be transformed into other useful tools.

American Indian Education AidCathy Erickson, MDE
Districts, charter schools and tribal schools that report an American Indian student count of 20 or more to MDE are eligible to participate in the American Indian Education Aid (AIEA) program. This program uses the state American Indian student count along with a per-pupil funding formula to determine aid award estimates. The application is being moved from the fall to the spring, and in this session Cathy and Betsy will tell you all you need to know to be ready to apply.







Thank you, Keynote Sponsor!

Horace Mann

Thank you, Technology and Engagement Sponsor!

Cooperative Purchasing Connection


Education Credits

MASBO Credits: 
The "MASBO Credit" is our standard credit and will be offered for each one-hour live or recorded session. MASBO Credits can apply toward your MASBO certification designation. 

Board of School Administrators Credits:  
Approved administrative continuing education credits are available for most MASBO conferences, workshops, and professional development programs. For in-person events, registered attendees must attend the full event to receive credit. BOSA credits may also be available for select live or recorded webinars

CPE Credits:
There are not any CPE credits offered for the Winter Conference.